n. Any want of conformity unto or transgression of the law of God. (Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism.)n. A serious fault; an error; a transgression: as, a sin against good taste.n. An incarnation or embodiment of sin.n. Synonyms and Wrong, Iniquity, etc. See crime.To commit a sin; depart voluntarily from the path of duty prescribed by God; violate the divine law by actual transgression or by the neglect or non-observance of its injunctions.To commit an error or a fault; be at fault; transgress an accepted standard of propriety or taste; offend; followed by against before an object.To do or commit, contrary to right or rule: with a cognate object.Also used impersonally, as in the following quotation:To influence, force, or drive by sinning to some course of procedure: followed by an adverbial phrase noting the direction of the result effected.Same as since.An abbreviation of sine, 2.