In algebra, consisting of two terms connected by the sign + or —; pertaining to binomials.In zoology and botany: Using or having two names: applied to the system of nomenclature introduced by Linnæus, in which every plant and animal receives two names, one indicating the genus, the other the species: as, Felis leo, the lion; Bellis perennis, the daisy.Hence— Consisting of two names: as, binomial terms. Also binominal.n. In algebra, an expression or quantity consisting of two terms connected by the sign + or —, denoting the sum or the difference of the two terms: as, a + b, 3a—2c, a + b, x—2 √ y.n. In zoology and botany, a name consisting of two terms, generic and specific, as the proper name of a species, the generic always preceding the specific word: as, Felis leo, the lion.