n. A native or an inhabitant of Bohemia, a crownland and kingdom of the Austrian empire.n. A follower of John Huss; a Hussite.n. A gipsy.n. A person, especially an artist or a literary man, who leads a free and often somewhat dissipated life, having little regard to what society he frequents, and despising conventionalities generally.n. The ancient tongue of Bohemia, a member of the Slavic branch of the Aryan family.Of or pertaining to Bohemia or its language.Of or pertaining to, or characteristic of, the so-called Bohemians; unconventional; free from social restraints: as, a Bohemian life.In ornithology, erratic; wandering; irregularly migratory; of unsettled habits.n. As employed by the French geologists, the later deposits of Silurian time, from the fine development of these strata in the Bohemian basin: equivalent to Upper Silurian or to Silurian in its restricted sense.