n. An important alloy, consisting essentially of copper and zinc.n. A utensil, ornament, or other article made of brass: as, to clean the brasses on board a ship.n. In machinery, a pillow, bearing, collar, box, or bush, supporting a gudgeon: so called because frequently made of brass.n. In medieval archœol., a funeral monument consisting of a plate of brass, usually of rectangular shape and often of large size, incised with an effigy, coats of arms, inscriptions, and frequently accessory ornament.n. A brass musical instrument, or, collectively, the brass instruments in a band or an orchestra.n. Money.n. In coal-mining, iron pyrites.n. Excessive assurance; impudence; brazenness: as, he has brass enough for anything.Made or composed of brass; pertaining to or resembling brass; brazen; brassy.To cover or coat over with brass.n. Nautical, same as brace.n. A continental European measure of length, equal to the extended arms or more; a fathom.n.