n. The state of being busy or actively employed; diligence; pains.n. Care; anxiety; solicitude; worry.n. A matter or affair that engages a person's attention or requires his care; an affair receiving or requiring attention; specifically, that which busies or occupies one's time, attention, and labor as his chief concern; that which one does for a livelihood; occupation; employment: as, his business was that of a merchant; to carry on the business of agriculture.n. Specifically Mercantile pursuits collectively; employments requiring knowledge of accounts and financial methods; the occupation of conducting trade or monetary transactions of any kind.n. That which is undertaken as a duty or of chief importance, or is set up as a principal purpose or aim.n. Concern; right of action or interposition: as, what business has a man with the disputes of others?n. Affair; point; matter.n. Theat., such preconcerted movements and actions on the stage as going up, crossing over, taking a chair, poking a fire, toying with anything, etc., designed to fill up the action of the play or character, and heighten its effect.n. To ease one's self at stool.Relating to, connected with, or engaged in business, traffic, trade, etc.: as, business habits; business hours; business men.