Relating to the head; situated on the head.Used at the head or beginning, as of a sentence, line, or word. See capital letters, below.Affecting the head or life; incurring or involving the forfeiture of life; punishable with death: as, treason and murder are capital offenses or crimes; hence, fatal; most serious: as, a capital mistake.First in importance; chief; principal.Very good; excellent; first-class: as, a capital singer or player; a capital dinner; a capital fellow.Syn. 4. Leading, prominent, important, essential.Prime, splendid, perfect.n. The city or town which is the official seat of government in a country, state, or province, or of justice in a county.n. A capital letter (which see, under I.). Abbreviated cap.n. In political economics, that part of the produce of industry which, in the form either of national or of individual wealth, is available for further production; an accumulation of the products of past labor capable of being used in the support of present or future labor.n. Specifically, the wealth employed in carrying on a particular trade, manufacture, business, or undertaking; stock in trade; the actual estate, whether in money or property, which is owned and employed by an individual, firm, or corporation in business.n. Figuratively, productive resources of any kind, whether physical or moral; means of influence or of increasing one's power.n. The head or uppermost member of anything.n. In fortification, the line which bisects the salient angle of a ravelin.n. The head of a still, a chimney, etc.To furnish or crown with a capital, as a pillar or column.n. A chapter or section of a book.