n. Knowledge, or certain knowledge, as from personal view or experience; perception; cognizance.n. A mental act or process, or the product of an act, of the general nature of knowing or learning.n. The formation of a concept, judgment, or argument, or that which is formed; the acquisition of knowledge by thinking, or the knowledge itself.n. A mental representation (the act or the product) which, by the operation of sensory perception or thought, is made to correspond to an external object, though not, it may be, accurately. The word cognitio was the ordinary scholastic term in this sense. Cognition was occasionally used by Hobbes, Cudworth, and other writers whose vocabulary was strongly influenced by the Latin, but is rarely met with in later English before Hamilton.n. In old Scots law, a process in the Court of Session by which cases concerning disputed marches were determined.n. Same as cognizance, 2.n. Cognition by direct insight, and not by ratiocination.n. Present perception of an object, with consciousness of it as an object.n. Knowledge more or less readily capable of practical application: opposed to speculative or metaphysical cognition, which is either incapable or not readily capable of such application.