n. A textile fabric woven in elaborate patterns.n. A pink color like that of the damask rose; a highly luminous crimson red reduced in chroma, and not appearing to incline to either orange or purple.n. Same as damaskeening, 2.n. Wavy lines shown on metal, formed by damaskeening.Woven with figures, like damask: used of textile fabrics, usually linen: as, damask table-cloths. See I., 1.Of a pink color like that of the damask rose.Of, pertaining to, or originating in Damascus: as, the damask plum, rose, steel, violet: see below.To ornament (a metal) with flowers or patterns on the surface, especially by the application of another metal. See damaskeen.To variegate; diversify.To deface or destroy by tamping or marking: as, to damask seditious books.