n. The person who wins the bidding and so declares what suit will be trump.
n. One who declares.
n. A statement that declares the properties of a variable or contributes to doing so.
the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English
n. One who makes known or proclaims; that which exhibits.
The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
n. One who makes known, proclaims, or publishes; one who or that which exhibits or explains.
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
n. someone who claims to speak the truth
n. the bridge player in contract bridge who wins the bidding and can declare which suit is to be trumps
Word Usage
"The only card that will defeat the contract is the ace of clubs, which sets up two club winners in declarer's hand and appears to give back two tricks in clubs for the one you gain in hearts."