To delineate or mark the form or figure of; trace out; outline: as, to describe a circle with the compasses.To form or trace by motion: as, a star describes an ellipse in the heavens.To write down; inscribe.To represent orally or by writing; portray in words; give an account of: as, to describe a person or a scene; to describe a battle.To distribute into classes or divisions; divide for representation.Synonyms Describe, Narrate, portray, explain. Describe applies primarily to what exists—space, and by extension to what occurs—time, but narrate applies only to the latter: as, to describe a view, a race, or a siege; to narrate an experience or a history. Describe implies often the vividness of personal observation; narrate is more applicable to long series of events. A single narrative may contain many descriptions of separate events.To make descriptions; use the power of describing.