n. An ending; a putting an end to; termination: as, the determination of an estate.n. Delimitation; the act of setting bounds to or of determining the limits of; specifically, assignment to the proper place in a classification or series.n. A determining or deciding, as after consideration or examination; specifically, definite or authoritative judicial settlement, as of a controversy or suit.n. A decision arrived at or promulgated; an authoritative or final ruling; a determinate opinion or conclusion.n. The mental act of deciding or resolving; the fixing or settling of a mental purpose; the act of resolve.n. A state of mental decision or resolution with regard to something; determined purpose; fixed intention: as, determination to succeed in an enterprise; his determination was inflexible.n. The quality of being determined; fixedness of purpose; decision of character; resoluteness: as, a man of determination.n. In old medicine, the turning or determining point; the crisis.n. Tendency or direction.n. Of the blood: abnormal afflux or flow: as, determination of blood to the head.n. The solution of a problem, mathematical or other; an ascertainment of any magnitude or the value of any quantity; especially, a scientific evaluation based upon exact physical measurements: as, a determination of the length of the seconds-pendulum.n. In logic: The process of adding characters to a notion, and thus rendering it more definite, whether this is done by limiting its scope or by an increase of information.n. The differentiating character itself that is added in this process.n. n. In Oxford and other old universities: A solemn disputation in which the respondent is a bachelor of arts, and which is preparatory to graduation as master of arts.n. A disquisition or other act substituted in recent times for the old disputation.n. n. A discussion of a question according to the scholastic method, after the model of a disputation.n. Synonyms Conclusion, settlement, termination.n. Resolution, etc. (see decision), firmness.n. In botany and zoology, the identification, classification, and naming of specimens of plants or animals.