n. The state of feeling displeased; specifically, a feeling of intense or indignant disapproval, as of an act of disobedience, injustice, etc.: as, a man incurs the displeasure of another by thwarting his views or schemes; a servant incurs the displeasure of his master by neglect or disobedience; we experience displeasure at any violation of right or decorum.n. Discomfort; uneasiness; dolefulness: opposed to pleasure.n. Offense; umbrage.n. A displeasing or offensive act; an act which causes, or is fitted to cause or rouse, a feeling of dissatisfaction, annoyance, or resentment; an ill turn or affront: generally preceded by do.n. A state of disgrace or disfavor.n. Synonyms Dissatisfaction, disapprobation, distaste, dislike, anger, vexation, indignation, resentment, annoyance.To displease; be displeasing or annoying to: as, it displeasures me to see so much waste.