adj. Characterized by or experiencing no doubt at all, certain; undoubted; undoubting.
ad. Without doubt; very probably, in all likelihood; doubtlessly.
the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English
adj. Free from fear or suspicion.
ad. Undoubtedly; without doubt.
The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Free from doubt; indubitable.
Having no fear; free from fear of danger; secure.
Without doubt; without objection or uncertainty; unquestionably; often, with weakened sense, presumably, probably.
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
ad. without doubt; certainly
Word Usage
"Charles Burns is a name doubtless familiar to anyone who's followed alternative comics in the last couple of decades, with his teen horror opus Black Hole being his defining work thus far."