
Acceptable For Game Play - US & UK word lists

This word is acceptable for play in the US & UK dictionaries that are being used in the following games:

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
  • n. The condition of being double; duality.
  • n. Philosophy The view that the world consists of or is explicable as two fundamental entities, such as mind and matter.
  • n. Psychology The view that the mind and body function separately, without interchange.
  • n. Theology The concept that the world is ruled by the antagonistic forces of good and evil.
  • n. Theology The concept that humans have two basic natures, the physical and the spiritual.
  • Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
  • n. Duality; the condition of being double.
  • n. The view that the world consists of, or is explicable in terms of, two fundamental principles, such as mind and matter or good and evil.
  • n. The belief that the world is ruled by a pair of antagonistic forces, such as good and evil; the belief that man has two basic natures, the physical and the spiritual.
  • the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English
  • n. A view of man as constituted of two original and independent elements, as matter and spirit.
  • n. A system which accepts two gods, or two original principles, one good and the other evil.
  • n. The doctrine that all mankind are divided by the arbitrary decree of God, and in his eternal foreknowledge, into two classes, the elect and the reprobate.
  • n. The theory that each cerebral hemisphere acts independently of the other.
  • The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  • n. Division into two; a twofold division; duality.
  • n. In philosophy, in general, that way of thinking which seeks to explain all sorts of phenomena by the assumption of two radically independent and absolute elements, without any continuous gradation between them: opposed to monism.
  • n. To the doctrine of a double absolute, especially a principle of good and a principle of evil, or a male and a female principle.
  • n. In theol.: The doctrine that there are two independent divine beings or eternal principles, one good and the other evil: characteristic especially of Parsism and various Gnostic systems.
  • n. The heretical doctrine, attributed to Nestorius by his opponents, of the twofold personality of Christ, the divine logos dwelling as a separate and distinct person in the man Christ Jesus, and the union of the two natures being somewhat analogous to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the believer; that view of the personality of Christ which regards him as consisting of two personalities.
  • n. In chem., a theory advanced by Berzelius which assumed that every compound, whether simple or complex, must be constituted of two parts of which one is positively and the other negatively electrified.
  • n. In general, any system or theory involving a duality of principles
  • WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
  • n. the doctrine that reality consists of two basic opposing elements, often taken to be mind and matter (or mind and body), or good and evil
  • Hypernym
    Words that are more generic or abstract
    Words with the same terminal sound
    Same Context
    Words that are found in similar contexts