n. An employee in a large shop (especially a department store) who acts as supervisor to sales staff, and assists customers.
the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English
n. One who walks about in a large retail store as an overseer and director.
The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
n. A person employed in a large retail shop to walk about the place, give information to customers, watch their conduct and that of employees, etc. Also called shop-walker.
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
n. an employee of a retail store who supervises sales personnel and helps with customer problems
Word Usage
"At stops in Vicksburg, Greenville or Stovepipe Bend, Sam serves as a different kind of floorwalker, trying to keep order among the raucous, 500-plus crowds smelling of sweat and Sen-Sen and armed with knives or moonshine or both."