n. Chance; hap; luck; fate.n. Chance personified; the events or circumstances of life antecedent to some result attributed to their working, more or less consciously personified and regarded as a divinity which metes out happiness and unhappiness, and distributes arbitrarily or capriciously the lots of life.n. That which falls to one as his portion in life or in any particular proceeding; the course of events as affecting condition or state; circumstances; lot: often in the plural: as, good or bad fortune; to share one's fortunes.n. Specifically, good luck; prosperity; success.n. Estate; possessions; especially, when used absolutely, large estate; wealth: as, he married a lady of fortune.n. A person of wealth; especially, a marriageable heir or heiress.n. In astrology, one of the fortunate planets: namely, Jupiter, Venus, the sun, the moon, and Mercury.To determine the fate or chance of; fix or control the lot or fortune of; dispose of.To foretell the fortune or lot of; presage.To endow with wealth or fortune.To befall; fall out; happen; chance; come to pass casually.To come by chance.