n. A ribbed steel plate forming part of a gunlock, which receives the blow of the hammer.
the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English
v. To curl or crisp, as hair; to friz; to crinkle.
v. To fry, toast, or broil with a sputtering sound to cook with a sizzling noise. Also fig.
v. To cook, in certain way, so as to curl or crinkle up.
n. A curl; a lock of hair crisped.
The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
To curl or crisp, as hair; frizz.
To curl or Crisp in cooking: as, frizzled beef (dried or jerked beef sliced thin and crisped over the fire).
To curl; crisp.
n. A curl; a lock of hair crisped.
n. A ribbed steel plate forming part of a gunlock, to receive the blow of the hammer. It occurs in the form of flint-lock which took the place of the wheel-lock.
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
v. fry something until it curls and becomes crisp
v. curl tightly
Word Usage
"The high feverishness during a outset will frail a breast skin as well as close in a turkey juices so they do not frizzle away."