n. An enlargement in the course of a nerve, containing or consisting of a collection of ganglion-cells; any assembly of ganglion-cells.n. A knot or enlargement on a lymphatic; a lymphatic gland. See cut under lymphatic.—n. In pathology:n. An encysted enlargement in connection with the sheath of a tendon: called simple ganglion.n. Inflammation, with effusion into one or more sheaths of tendons: called diffuse ganglion.n. An enlarged bursa.n. In botany, the mycelium of certain fungals.n. The superior ganglion, or ganglion of the root of the pneumogastric nerve, in its passage through the jugular foramen.n. The lower ganglion, or ganglion of the trunk. Also vagus ganglion.n. Same as Gasserian ganglion.n. In cephalopods, same as stellate ganglion .n. In cephalopods, a large flat ganglion lying on the inner surface of the mouth, in front of the gill.