n. The slope of a vein or fault from the vertical; the complement of the dip
v. To ordain; consecrate; admit to a religious order.
n. Person (in all senses).
n. Sex; gender.
n. Order; estate; rank; degree; holy or religious orders.
n. State; condition; quality; kind.
the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English
n. The descent of a hill.
n. The inclination or deviation from the vertical of any mineral vein.
n. The deviation of a fault plane from the vertical.
verb-intransitive. To deviate from the vertical; -- said of a vein, fault, or lode.
The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
In mining, to underlay or incline from a vertical position.
n. A slope; the descent of a hill.
n. In mining, the inclination of a vein from a vertical position; the complement of the dip: synonymous with underlay. Also hading.
Word Usage
"Tio år i Silicon Valley, och allt Murray Swain hade fått ut av det var en bilring, begynnande flint och ett liv som var ensamt och tomt och genomruttet."