Of or pertaining to an empire, or to an emperor or empress.Of or pertaining to supreme authority, or to one who wieldsit; sovereign; supreme; august; commanding.Fit or suitable for an emperor; hence, of imposing size or excellence.In the old German empire, a city directly subordinate to the empire, having a seat and vote in the Reichstag. The constitutions of such cities varied greatly, some being democratic and others aristocratic. Of the fifty-one impperial cities existing in the eighteenth century, nearly all lost their practical independence in 1803, and were annexed to other states. Three of them —Hamburg, Bremen, and Lübeck - are members of the modern German empire.n. A gold coin issued by imperial authority; specifically, a Russian gold coin of the eighteenth century, of the value of 10 rubles. The half-imperial, of 5 rubles, is still coined.n. In architecture, an imperial roof or dome.n. The top of a carriage, especially of a diligence; hence, a case for luggage carried on the top of a coach.n. A small part of the beard left growing from the middle of the chin near the under lip, the rest being shaved off: so called from the emperor Xapoleon III., who wore his beard in this way.n. Anything of unusual size or excellence, as a large decanter, etc.n. A size of writing-paper, 22 × 30 inches; also, a size of printing-paper, 22 × 32 inches.n. A size of slates, 2 feet wide and from 1 foot to 2½ feet in length.n. A rich fabric in use throughout the middle, ages, the material and nature of which are unknown, except that it was often enriched by the use of gold.n. A game at cards mentioned as having been played by Henry VIII.n. A beverage made by dissolving half an ounce of cream-of-tartar in three pints of boiling water, and adding four ounces of white sugar and half an ounce of fresh lemon- peel.n. A member of the imperial or emperor's party; a soldier of the imperial army.n. An imperial personage; an emperor.