Not pertinent; not pertaining to the matter in hand; not to the point; irrelevant; inapposite; out of place.Negligent of or inattentive to the matter in hand; careless; frivolous.Contrary to the rules of propriety or good breeding; uncivil: speaking or acting presumptuously or offensively; pragmatical; meddling: as, impertinent behavior; an impertinent boy.Synonyms Impertinent, Officious, saucy, impudent, insolent, rude, unmannerly, pert, bold, Impertinent means forward, intrusive, generally from curiosity, but sometimes with undesired advice, etc.; officious means forward to offer and undertake service where it is neither needed nor desired. A busybody may be either impertinent or officious, or both. See impudence.n. One who interferes in what does not concern him; one who is rude, uncivil, or offensive in behavior; a meddler; an intruder.