Great; large; especially, of imposing magnitude; majestic or sublime from size and proportion: as, a grand mountain-chasm; a grand building.Of very high or noble quality; lofty in character or position; of exalted power, dignity, beauty, etc.; great; noble.Principal; chief; most important: as, the grand master of an order; a grand jury; the grand concern of one's life.Prime; primal; first; original.In geneal., as a prefix, one degree more remote in ascent or descent: as, in grandfather, grandson (father's father, son's son), grandaunt (which see), grandnephew, grandniece (son or daughter of nephew or niece), etc.Complete; comprehensive; including all particulars : as, a grand total.In music, applied to compositions which contain all the regular parts or movements in a complete form: as, a grand sonata (a sonata containing all the proper parts in their full extent).A title used for the rulers of several of the principalities of Russia in the middle ages (more properly, great princes), and since for the sons of the czars of Russia, descended from the grand dukes (great princes) of Moscow.n. A grand piano.To make great.n. Any announcement to play without a trump suit, in such games as skat, cayenne, etc.