
Acceptable For Game Play - US & UK word lists

This word is acceptable for play in the US & UK dictionaries that are being used in the following games:

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
  • v. To gather in; collect.
  • verb-intransitive. To come together in a central place.
  • Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
  • v. To collect or gather in
  • v. To gather together
  • The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  • To gather in; bring together.
  • To gather together.
  • Word Usage
    "He paused, and added, "I would prefer if Aurelia and Vidal did not know that it is so easy for me to ingather energy, or they will have me charging up bottomless pits for them to draw on.""
    Verb Form