To entangle; involve; cause to be involved or entangled.To plot for: scheme for.To practise underhand plotting or scheming; exert secret influence for the accomplishment of a purpose; seek to promote one's aims in devious and clandestine ways.To have clandestine or illicit intercourse.n. Intricacy; complication; maze.n. Secret or underhand plotting or scheming; the exertion of secret influence for the accomplishment of a purpose.n. A clandestine plot; a scheme for entangling others, or for gaining an end by the exertion of secret influence: as, to expose an intrigue.n. The plot of a play, poem, or romance; the series of complications in which a writer involves his imaginary characters.n. Clandestine intercourse between a man and a woman; illicit intimacy; a liaison.