n. An unbeliever; an infidel: applied malevolently by Mohammedans to Christians and pagan negroes.n. One of a South African race, inhabiting parts of Cape Colony, Natal, and neighboring lands: so called originally by the Mohammedan inhabitants of eastern Africa, on account of their refusal to accept the faith of Mohammed.n. The language of the Kafirs, a branch of the South African or Bantu family. It is also called Zulu-Kafir.n. One of a race inhabiting Kafiristan, a mountainous region on the northeast of Afghanistan, who have always maintained their independence and resisted conversion to Mohammedanism.Of or belonging to the Kafirs: as, the Kafir tongue; Kafir customs.Also written Caffer, Caffre, Kaffer, Kaffre.n. plural The stock-exchange term for South African mine shares.