
Acceptable For Game Play - US & UK word lists

This word is acceptable for play in the US & UK dictionaries that are being used in the following games:

Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
  • n. an octoroon, someone of one-eighth African ancestry
  • the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English
  • n. See mestee.
  • The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  • n. Same as mestee.
  • Word Usage
    "The offspring of a white man and black woman is a mulatto; the mulatto, and black produce a sambo; from the mulatto and white comes the quadroon; from the quadroon and white the mustee; the child of a mustee by a white man is called a mustee - fino; and the children of a musteefinio are free by law, and rank as white persons to all intents and purposes."