
Acceptable For Game Play - UK word list

This word is acceptable for play in the UK dictionary that is being used in the following games:

The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  • n. Eccles., a vessel formed like the hull of a boat, used to hold a supply of incense for the thurible; an incense-boat.
  • n. A genus of diatoms, typical of the family Naviculaceæ, having the oblong or lanceolate frustules free, the valves convex, with a median longitudinal line, and nodules at the center and extremities, valves striated, and the striæ resolvable into dots. The genus is widely distributed, and contains several hundred species, many of which rest on very slight characters.
  • Word Usage
    "Pars ista ostendit pericula navicule Sancti Petri et primo sic: Inter Christians sunt forte multa secreta de quibus secretis poterit orribilis revelatio sicut de Templariis evenire…hoc etiam dico de quibusdam palam turipissimus et sensibus manifestis, proper quepericlitatur navicula Santi Petri."