n. The fact or the character of being negligent or neglectful; deficiency in or lack of care, exactness, or application; the omitting to do, or a habit of omitting to do, things which ought to be done, or the doing of such things without sufficient attention and care; carelessness;. heedless disregard of some duty.n. Specifically, in law, the failure to exercise that degree of care which the law requires for the protection of those interests of other persons which may be injuriously affected by the want of such care.n. Lack of attention to niceties or conventionalities, especially of dress, manner, or style; disregard of appearances; easy indifference of manner.n. An act of neglectfulness; an instance of negligence or carelessness.n. Contempt; disregard; slight; neglect.n. A kind of wig in fashion for morning dress about the middle of the eighteenth century.n. Synonyms Heedlessness, inconsiderateness, thoughtlessness.n. 1 and Negligence, Neglect, Remissness, Inattention, Inadvertence, Oversight, Indifference. As contrasted with neglect, negligence generally expresses the habit or trait, and neglect the act. Inadvertence and oversight expressly mean that there was no intention of neglect; indifference lies back of action in the failure to care, such failure being generally blameworthy. Remissness is careless neglect of duty. Inattention is a failure. generally culpable, to bring the mind to the subject. See neglect, n. t, and negligent.