Neither the one thing nor the other; not adhering to either party; taking no part with either side, as in a contention or discussion; neutral.In gram.:Of neither gender; neither masculine nor feminine: used when words are grammatically or formally distinguished as masculine, feminine, and neuter—a distinction made in English only in the pronouns he, she, it.Neither active nor passive; intransitive. Abbreviated n. and neuterIn botany, same as neutral.In zoology, having no fully developed sex: as, neuter bees.n. A neutral.n. An animal of neither sex, and incapable of propagation; one of the imperfectly developed females of certain social insects, as ants and bees, which perform all the labors of the community; a worker. See cuts under bee, Atta, and Termes.n. In botany, a plant which has neither stamens nor pistils. See cut under neutral.n. In grammar, a noun of the neuter gender. Abbreviated n. and neuter