n. Same as niggard, 2.n. A black man; a negro.n. A native of the East Indies or one of the Australian aborigines.n. A black caterpillar, the larva of Athalia centifolia, the turnip saw-fly.n. A. kind of holothurian common off the coast of Cornwall, England: so called by Cornish fishermen.n. A steam-capstan on some Mississippi river boats, used to haul the boat over bars and snags by a rope fastened to a tree on the bank.n. A strong iron-bound timber with sharp teeth or spikes protruding from its front face, forming part of the machinery of a sawmill, and used in canting logs. etc.n. An impurity in the covering of an electrical conductor which serves to make a partial short circuit, and thus becomes sufficiently heated to burn and destroy the insulation.To burn (logs already charred or left unconsumed by former fires): with off: also, to burn (a log) in two in the middle.To exhaust (soil or land) by working it year after year without manure: with out.