Not opposing; not standing in the way or contradicting; not availing to the contrary.With following noun, or clause with that: In spite of, or in spite of the fact that; although.Synonyms Notwithstanding, In spite of, Despite, for all. Notwithstanding is the least emphatic; it calls attention with some emphasis to an obstacle: as, notwithstanding his youth, he made great progress. In spite of and despite, by the strength of the word spite, point primarily to active opposition: as, in spite of his utmost efforts, he was defeated; and, figuratively, to great obstacles of any kind: as, despite all hindrances, he arrived at the time appointed. Despite is rather loftier and more poetic than the others.Followed by a clause with that omitted: In spite of the fact that; although.Synonyms Although, Though, etc. See although.Nevertheless; however; yet.