n. Assault; attack: as, weapons or arms of offense.n. Harm; hurt; injury.n. Transgression; sin; fault; wrong.n. Specifically, in law: A crime or misdemeanor; a transgression of law. It implies a violation of law for which the public authorities may prosecute, not merely one which gives rise to a private cause of action only. More specificallyn. A misdemeanor or transgression of the law which is not indictable, but is punishable summarily or by the forfeiture of a penalty.n. Affront; insult; injustice; wrong; that which wounds the feelings and causes displeasure or resentment.n. Displeasure; annoyance; mortification; umbrage; anger.n. See the adjectives.n. Synonyms Misdeed, fault, delinquency, indignity, trespass. Referring to the comparison under crime, it may be added that offense is a very indefinite word, covering the whole range of the others, while misdemeanor is a specific word, applying to an act which is cognizable by civil, school, family, or other authority, and does not appear in the aspect of an offense against anything but law or rules.n. Indignation, resentment.