Pertaining to the origin or beginning; initial; primal; first in order; preceding all others: as, the original state in which man was created; the original edition of a book.Pertaining to or characteristic of the first or earliest stage or state of anything; first or earlier as opposed to later; primeval; primitive; pristine.Having the power to initiate or suggest new thoughts or combinations of thought; creative, as author, artist, philosopher, etc.: as, an original genius.Produced directly by an author, artist, or authority; not copied, imitated, translated, or transcribed: as, the original document; the original Greek text; the original painting.Hence Fresh; novel; new; striking; never before thought of or used: as, an original idea or plan; an original invention.Abbreviated orig.Inventive, creative.n. Origin; source; starting-point; first issue; beginning.n. Hence Parentage; ancestry; pedigree; descent; derivation; extraction; birth.n. That from which anything is derived; source of being or existence; cause; occasion.n. A primary stock or type from which varieties have been developed: as, the dhole of India is supposed to have been the original of the dog.n. Earliest condition; primal or primitive state; pristine condition, resources, etc.n. First form; archetype; that which is copied, imitated, transcribed, or translated.n. A work of art as first produced, and contradistinguished from a replica or duplicate made by the artist himself, and from a copy, mechanical reproduction, or imitation.n. A writing, document, or literary production, as distinguished from a transcription, paraphrase, modernization, or translation; also, the language in which a work was first composed.n. A person who produces a novel and unique impression; a person of marked individuality of character; an eccentric person; an oddity.In geology, noting those constituent minerals of an igneous rock which have crystallized from fusion during the period of consolidation: contrasted with secondary, which describes a mineral produced by alteration or decay.