To overset; upset; overthrow.To subvert; ruin; destroy; bring to naught.To overpower; conquer; overwhelm.Synonyms Overturn, Overthrow, Subvert, Invert, upset, throw down, beat down, prostrate. The first three of the italicized words indicate violence and destructiveness. Invert is rarely used where the action is not careful and with a purpose: as, to invert a goblet to prevent its being filled. That which is overturned or overthrown is brought down from a standing or erect position to lie prostrate. Overthrow indicates more violence or energy than overturn, as throw is stronger than turn. That which is subverted is reached to the very bottom and goes to wreck in the turning: as, to subvert the very foundations of justice. To invert is primarily to turn upside down, but it may be used figuratively, of things not material, for turning wrong side before or reversing: as, to invert the order of a sentence. See defeat, v. t., and demolish.To be overturned; capsize: as, a boat that is likely to overturn.n. The state of being overturned or subverted; the act of overturning; overthrow.n. Refrain; burden.