
Acceptable For Game Play - UK word list

This word is acceptable for play in the UK dictionary that is being used in the following games:

Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
  • n. An overnight stay; action (or instance) of abiding through the night at a location.
  • n. The action (or an instance) of walking about at night, especially as a vigil or watch.
  • n. A religious watch kept during normal sleeping hours, during which prayers or other ceremonies are performed.
  • the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English
  • n. The act or state of passing the whole night; a remaining all night.
  • The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  • n. A passing the night in sleeplessness or in watching or prayer; a vigil lasting all night; specifically, in the early Christian ch., a religious vigil held through the entire night immediately previous to a given festival.
  • n. A staying out all night.