n. In Gr. antiquity, in general, the whole of the heavy-armed infantry of an army; particularly, a single grand division of that class of troops when formed in ranks and files close and deep, with their shields joined and long spears overlapping one another so as to present a firm and serried front to a foe.n. Any body of troops or men formed in close array, or any combination of people distinguished for firmness and solidity of union.n. In Fourier's plan for the reorganization of society, a group of persons, numbering about 1, 800, living together and holding their property in common. See Fourierism.n. In anatomy and zoology:n. A row or series of bones in the fingers or toes.n. One of the bones of the fingers or toes; a digital internode, succeeding the metacarpal or metatarsal bones, collectively constituting the skeleton of the third and distal segment of the hand or foot: so called from their regular disposition in several rows.n. One of the fiddle-shaped cells of the lamina reticularis of the Cortian organ. Also called Deiters's phalanges.n. In zoology, a group or series of animals, of indeterminate classificatory value; one of several groups which may be interposed above genera and below classes or orders.n. In entomology, any one of the joints of the tarsus.