n. One who plants, sets in the ground or in position, introduces, establishes, or sets up: as, a planter of maize or of vines; the first planters of Christianity; a planter of colonies.n. One who owns a plantation, especially in a tropical or semi-tropical country: as, a coffeeplanter; the planters of the West Indies.n. A piece of timber, or the naked trunk of a tree, one end of which is firmly planted in the bed of a river while the other rises near the surface of the water: a dangerous obstruction sometimes encountered by vessels navigating the rivers of the western United States.n. A tool or machine for planting seeds: as, a corn-planter, a cotton-seed planter, etc.n. Specifically, in the Newfoundland fisheries, a middleman between the fisherman and the large dealer. See the extract.n. A cattle-thief: so called from their habit of hiding the stolen cattle.