n. A network; any collection of intimately coherent parts, as of an argument.n. In anatomy, an interlacing of nerves, vessels, or fibers; a net-like arrangement of parts, or the parts so disposed: especially said of certain delicate vascular membranes chiefly composed of minute anastomosing blood-vessels, as the choroid plexus, and of similar arrangements of nerves of the spinal and sympathetic systems.n. In mathematics, a system of one-fold relations.n. The continuation of the prostatic plexus, supplying the erectile tissue of the penis. Also called cavernous nerves.n. Same as gastric plexus .n. A secondary plexus of the cæliac, accompanying the gastric artery. Also called coronary plexus.n. A large and copiously anastomosing network of veins in the lower wall of the rectum, beneath the mucous coat, from which the hemorrhoidal veins proceed.n. A plexus of veins surrounding the base of the prostate, formed mainly from the dorsal veins of the penis.n. The lower section of the sacral plexus .n. A plexus of veins in the back of the pelvis, tributary to the middle sacral vein.n. Same as pampiniform plexus.n. Venous channels at the sides of the uterus, and in the broad ligaments, emptying into the ovarian veins.n. A plexus derived from the pelvic plexus, distributed to the lower part and side of the bladder, the prostate, and the seminal vesicle.n. In botany, the mass of branched and anastomosing filaments of certain algæ.n. In physical geography, the irregular and complicated junction of a number of similar features, such as ridges, river channels, etc.