n. Avisible mark or impress, whether natural or artificial, accidental or purposed, serving to convey information, suggest an idea, or assist inference; a distinctive guiding indication to the eye.n. An arbitrary or conventional mark used as an abbreviation for a known meaning; a figure written technically instead of the word or words which it represents, according to prescription or usage: as, mathematical, astronomical, medical, botanical, or musical signs; occult signs; an artist's sign.n. Something displayed to announce the presence of any one; a cognizance; a standard; a banner.n. An inscribed board, plate, or space, or a symbolical representation or figure, serving for guidance or information, as on or before a place of business or of public resort, or along a road: as, a merchant's or shopman's sign; a tavern -sign; a swinging sign; a tin sign; a sign-board.n. A symbolical representation; a symbol; hence, in absolute use, symbolical significance; allusive representation: with in.n. A representative or indicative thing; a tangible, audible, or historical token, symbol, or memento; an exponent or indicator: as, words are the signs of thought; the ruin is a sign of past grandeur.n. In general, anything which serves to manifest, stand for, or call up the idea of another thing to the mind of the person perceiving it; evidence of something past, present, or future; a symptom: as, to show signs of life; a sign of foul or fair weather; signs of war; signs of a contagious disease.n. In Biblical use:n. That by which a person or thing is known, especially as divinely distinguished (Luke ii. 12; Rom. iv. 11; 2 Cor. xii. 12).n. Especially, an appearance or occurrence indicative of the divine presence or power, and authenticating a message or messenger (Acts ii. 22, vii. 36; 1 Cor. i. 22): a miraculous manifestation or warning; a portent; an omen.n. A motion or gesture intended to express thought or convey an idea; a movement of the hand or some other part of the body having a natural or conventional significance: as, the instinctive, artificial, or alphabetical signs of the deaf and dumb; pantomimic signs; to manifest assent by a sign.n. A spoken symbol; a signal-cry; a watchword: a use still seen in countersign.n. One of the twelve divisions of the zodiac, each comprising 30 degrees of the ecliptic, and marked as to position by a constellation or group of stars, the name of which is represented by a symbolical figure or sign of ancient origin.n. Figuratively, an individual stamp or quality distinguishing anything done or produced by a person. [Often hyphened.]n. See equality.n. See sign of the cross, under cross.n. Synonyms Note, index, symbol, type, manifestation, signal.n. 7 and Prognostic, Presage, etc. See omen.To mark with a sign, either fixed or (as by a significant motion) passing; place a sign or distinguishing mark upon; mark; specifically, to sign with the cross. Compare sain.To affix a signature to, as a writing of any kind, a design or painting, or the like, for verification, attestation, or assent; write one's name upon, or something intended to represent one's name, or (as by authorization or assumption) that of another person: as, to sign bills or receipts with the employer's name and the writer's initials; the plans were signed with a monogram.To write as a signature: as, to sign one's own or another's name to a letter.To affect by a binding signature; dispose of by written assignment or release: with away or off: as, to sign away one's rights; to sign off one's interest in a contract.To procure the signature of, as to an agreement; engage by the signing of a contract; put under written obligation.To communicate by a sign; make known by a significant motion; signal, as with the hand.To give or show signs of; display in appearance or manner; betoken or distinguish by any indication.To assign, as to a place or duty; direct; appoint; settle; fix.To write one's signature; bind one's self by a signature; make a signed agreement or statement: with an adverbial adjunct: as, to sign off from drinking (that is, to sign the temperance pledge).To serve as a sign; have significance; augur.To mate a sign or signs; gesture or point significantly.n. In geometry, the symbol .