n. An artificial variety of the goldfish, Carassius auratas, more or less nearly colorless, or with silvery-white instead of red scales on much or all of the body.n. A sand-smelt or atherine; any fish of the family Atherinidæ: same as silversides.n. The bream Notemigonus chrysoleucus. See cut under shiner.n. The tarpon (or tarpum) or jewfish, Megalops atlanticus or M. thrissoides. Also sabalo, savanilla. See cut under tarpon.n. The characinoid Curimatus argenteus, inhabiting the fresh waters of Trinidad.n. Any species of Lepisma, as L. saccharina or L. domestica, a thysanurous insect occurring in houses and damaging books, wall-paper, etc. See Lepisma. Also called walking-fish, bristletail, fishtail, furniture-bug, silver-moth, silver-witch, shiner, and silvertail.n. A Tasmanian name for Carangus georgianus, of the family Carangidæ, the white or silver trevally. E. E. Morris, Austral English.