To sprout; shoot.To gush or issue out suddenly in a stream, as liquor from a cask; rush with sudden force from a confined place in a small jet or stream.To throw or force out in a jet or stream; squirt; as, to spurt water from the mouth; to spurt liquid from a tube.n. A shoot; a sprout; a bud.n. A forcible gush of liquid from a confined place; a jet.n. A brief and sudden outbreak.n. A school of shad.To make a short, sudden, and exceptional effort; put forth one's utmost energy for a short time, especially in racing.n. A short, sudden, extraordinary effort for an emergency; a special exertion of one's self for a short distance or space of time, as in running, rowing, etc.: as, by a fine spurt he obtained the lead.n. A short period; a brief interval of time.