n. Any of various tendril-bearing plants of the genus Cucurbita, having fleshy edible fruit with a leathery rind and unisexual flowers.n. The fruit of any of these plants, eaten as a vegetable.v. To beat, squeeze, or press into a pulp or a flattened mass; crush. See Synonyms at crush.v. To put down or suppress; quash: squash a revolt. v. To silence or fluster, as with crushing words: squash a heckler. verb-intransitive. To become crushed, flattened, or pulpy, as by pressure or impact.verb-intransitive. To move with a splashing or sucking sound, as when walking through boggy ground.n. The act or sound of squashing.n. The fact or condition of being squashed.n. A crushed or crowded mass: a squash of people. n. Sports A racket game played in a closed walled court with a rubber ball.n. Chiefly British A citrus-based soft drink.ad. With a squashing sound.