n. A cooking appliance that cooks by steaming.n. A vessel in which articles are subjected to the action of steam, as in washing, and in various processes of manufacture.n. A vessel propelled by steam; a steamship or steamboat.n. A steam-powered road locomotive; a traction engine.n. A wetsuit which has long sleeves and long legs.n. A dish of steamed clams.n. Any species of the duck genus Tachyeres, of which all four species occur in South America, and three are flightless.n. A food made by cooking diced meat very slowly in a tightly sealed pot, with a minimum of flavourings, allowing it to steam in its own juices; popular circa 1850 but apparently no longer so by the 1900s.n. A steam fire engine, a fire engine consisting of a steam boiler and engine, and pump which is driven by the engine, combined and mounted on wheels (Webster 1913).n. A horse whose odds are decreasing (becoming shorter) because bettors are backing it.