To write beneath: said of what is so written or of the handwriting.Hence To sign with one's own hand.By extension To give consent to, as to something written, or to bind one's self to, by Writing one's name beneath: as, to subscribe a covenant or contract. In law subscribe implies a written or printed signature at the end of a document. See sign, 2.To attest by writing one's name beneath.To promise to give or pay, by writing one's name under a written or printed agreement: as, each subscribed $10.To resign; transfer by signing to another.To write down or characterize as.To promise a certain sum verbally, or by signing an agreement; specifically, to undertake to pay a definite amount, in a manner or on conditions agreed upon, for a special purpose: as, to subscribe for a newspaper or for a book (which may be delivered in instalments); to subscribe to a series of entertainments; to subscribe for railway stock; also, to contribute money to any enterprise, benevolent object, etc. In law the word implies that the agreement is made in writing.To give consent; assent as if by signing one's name.To yield; submit.