
Acceptable For Game Play - US & UK word lists

This word is acceptable for play in the US & UK dictionaries that are being used in the following games:

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
  • n. An Internet communications protocol that enables a computer to function as a terminal working from a remote computer.
  • n. A program that implements this protocol.
  • verb-intransitive. To access an account over the Internet using the Telnet protocol: telnetted from her work computer to her university account.
  • Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
  • n. A network protocol that enables one computer to communicate with another via the Internet; the program that acts as the client in this situation
  • v. To use such a program to make such a connection
  • Word Usage
    "The hacker clan that discovered a vulnerability in telnet on BSD and created an exploit to demonstrate the extent of the bug are all hottenbothered because Bugtraq, a venerable security-alert mailinglist posted the exploit, despite a header that forbade such action."
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