n. A raised level faced with masonry or turf; an elevated flat space: as, a garden terrace; also, a natural formation of the ground resembling such a terrace.n. In geology, a strip of land, nearly level, extending along the margin of the sea, a lake. or a river, and terminating on the side toward the water in a more or less abrupt descent: a beach; a raised beach. Also called in Scotland a carse, and in parts of the United States where Spanish was formerly spoken a mesa, or meseta.n. A street or row of houses running along the face or top of a slope: often applied arbitrarily, as a fancy name, to ordinary streets or ranges of houses.n. The flat roof of a house, as of Oriental and Spanish houses.n. A balcony, or open gallery.n. In marble-working, a defective spot in marble, which, after being cleaned out, is filled with some artificial preparation. Also terrasse.To form into a terrace; furnish with a terrace.n. A variety of mortar used for pargeting and the like, and for lining kilns for pottery.