n. Bread in slices superficially browned by the fire; a slice of bread so browned.To brown by the heat of a fire: as, to toast bread or bacon.To warm thoroughly: as, to toast one's feet.To brown with heat.To warm one's self thoroughly at a fire.n. A person whose health is drunk, or who is named as the person to whom others are requested to drink; especially, a woman who is the reigning belle of the season, or in some other way is specially indicated as a person often toasted; also, anything, as a political cause, the memory of a person, etc., to which a company is requested to drink.n. A call on another or others to drink to the health of some person named, or to the prosperity of some cause, etc,: often accompanied by a sentiment or motto; also, the act of thus drinking.n. One who drinks to excess; a soaker.To drink as a toast; drink to the health of; wish success or prosperity to in drinking; also, to designate as the person or subject to whom or to which other persons are requested to drink; propose the health of.To drink a toast or toasts; also, to propose a toast or toasts.