
Acceptable For Game Play - UK word list

This word is acceptable for play in the UK dictionary that is being used in the following games:

Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
  • n. acute pain in the abdomen; colic, gripes
  • the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English
  • noun-plural. acute, colicky pains; gripes.
  • The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  • Severe griping pains in the bowels; gripes; colic.
  • Word Usage
    "The woman who lodged at the house of Tisamenas had a troublesome attack of iliac passion, much vomiting; could not keep her drink; pains about the hypochondria, and pains also in the lower part of the belly; constant tormina; not thirsty; became hot; extremities cold throughout, with nausea and insomnolency; urine scanty and thin; dejections undigested, thin, scanty."
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