the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English
v. To reproach; to blame; to censure; also, to impute as blame.
n. Blame; reproach.
The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
To observe; keep; guard; preserve; protect.
l. To impute (to one) as a fault; blame for; blame (that): governing directly a noun or clause, and taking an indirect object in the dative.
To impute wrong to; find fault with; blame; censure.
n. Blame; censure; reproach; fault.
n. Punishment; penalty; mulct; fine: in old Eng. criminal law, a fine paid to the king or other lord in respect of an offense.
To go.
n. An obsolete form of wit.
Word Usage
"We need to unite this party so we can take back the wite house and try to right the wongs that this country has been going through over the past 8 years."